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Student Scores and Taxes

In 2023, nearly 50% of Newton students were below proficiency level in math and science. And almost 40% were below proficiency level in language arts.

Sedgwick had the best scores with 20% or less below proficiency in all areas.

#of students per teacher:

2005:   Burrton:           10.6                 2023:     7.9

            Halstead:         14.1                             12.9
            Hesston:          15                                16.3
            Newton:           17.4                             12.9
            Sedgwick:        15.5                             14.0

According to (link below) this is the ranking of our schools out of 269 school districts statewide:

2022:   Burrton:           243                              2023:   120
            Halstead:         146                                          116
            Hesston:            12                                            13
            Newton:           246                                           242
            Sedgwick:          26                                             32

Our teachers and administrators are winning awards….which is fabulous….but how does that translate into better education outcomes?

These students are the future of Harvey County and our country. As citizens, we need to reach out to the school and the school board to see how we can turn this around!  What ideas do you have? Leave your thoughts on my website or email: 

Resource: Schools Databank – Kansas Open Gov 




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