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Voter Information Harvey County's primary election is Tuesday, August 6.   Detailed precinct information is available from the Harvey County Clerk and Elections officer.  (see link  
Advance Voting by Mail:
Registered voters may apply for an Advance Ballot by Mail. A separate form is required for each election. Ballots begin mailing 20 days prior to election (July 17 & Oct. 16). Requests must be submitted by 7 days prior (July 30 & Oct. 29).
Click here for an Application for Advance Ballot by Mail (form AV1M)
Click here for Online Voter Registration and Advance Application Service
Early Voting In-Person:
  • Begins on Tuesday 2 weeks prior to each election day (July 23 & October 22), 8 am to 5 pm Mon-Fri and 9 am to 2 pm on Saturday prior to election (August 3 & November 2). 

  • Location: Harvey County Courthouse, 1st floor Commission Room, 800 N Main, Newton.

  • Ends at 12 noon on Monday prior to election day (August 5 & November 4). 

Committee to Elect Terry Scott
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