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Latest updates from the campaign:

Friday, September 13, 2024 10:10 PM

Kansas Economic Strengths and Opportunities

Wednesday, August 28, 2024 12:50 PM

Issues Card - November Election


Saturday, August 3, 2024 9:56 AM

Response on Economic Development

Pastor Clint McBroom, former City Commissioner, created a video for Lance Gormley. Lance is a candidate for Harvey County Commission, District 2, as am I. Pastor McBroom touts how the CITY was able to bring some new business to Newton. In reality, it will be some years before the city or county sees the fruit of the business. He also espouses to believe that I will destroy any future economic growth.
With just a minimum of effort, he would have discovered that I was involved in helping my husband create more than one $1million plus company and continues to run several very profitable businesses. Our son has created a very profitable company in western KS and our daughter has a profitable business in NOLA. Pastor McBroom, like Lance, cannot say what Lance has actually done to create the deal with GAF or influence any economic growth.
So, I say, bring on the business development! We may differ in what it looks like, which is where this discussion stems from. 

Lance speaks about all of his community volunteerism, but he cannot give specifics or demonstrate what he has done. Lance has stated that it’s unfortunate that I’ve called him my opponent in this race.  Sadly, he set himself up to also be my adversary. He has stated he forgives me and then moves on to this nonsense about stifling economic development. 

The best question to ask is why two CITY commissioners (one current, the other former) want this individual in a COUNTY office who has very little experience related to the job. It’s a serious thing to govern others in role like county commissioner, and I do not have the confidence that Lance should govern others or could govern others.

Terry Scott

Monday, July 29, 2024 12:28 PM

Candidate Profile Mailer - Detailed Content

Read about my background, experience and priority issues.

Monday, July 8, 2024 4:59 PM

Meet and Greet Events

Two events in July to meet the candidate

Monday, July 8, 2024 11:37 AM

As Seen In Your Mailbox

I hope my postcard has arrived in YOUR mailbox.  Please vote on August 6th!

Monday, July 8, 2024 11:11 AM

Relief for Kansas Economy

Relief for Kansas Economy by overturning "Chevron".

Monday, July 8, 2024 10:55 AM

Download the ActiVote App

I've updated my profile in the ActiVote app so you can follow along.  Here is the link!  Download the ActiVote app today to keep track of all the candidates you want to follow.  

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 2:04 PM

Media Candidate Profile

For immediate release, The Newton Kansan, July 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 9:58 AM

Campaign Letter for Support

Campaign Letter for Support

Sunday, May 19, 2024 9:11 AM

Get to Know Terry Series 5/19

Add your news summary here.

Sunday, May 19, 2024 8:48 AM

Upcoming Event - May 21

Add your news summary here.

Saturday, March 2, 2024 9:27 AM

Commission Meeting on 3/5 - Property Tax increase

During a recent work session, the county commissioners had a phone call with the State Property Valuation validation office. We learned that Harvey County apparently is low on property values, according to ‘their’ calculations. The representative could not tell us how to fix that or the repercussions if we did not become compliant. If they don’t know, how could our county staff know?? I contacted the State Office and when I was transferred to the third person, who also didn’t know but within a few hours he was able to research the issue and send me some information. Basically, there really isn’t much of a consequence.


 Join me Tuesday, March 6th in the basement of the courthouse when I present this information to the Commissioners. Maybe this information can positively affect the almost 12% property tax increase this year. A more in-depth justification will need to be sought. 


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 8:11 PM

Towne Hall: 30x30 Federal Land Grab

February 20, 2024 - Terry Scott and Amy Siple hosted a town hall featuring Marci Laffen from Andover.  Ms. Laffen gave an overview of the initiative by the current administration, and details of state testimony against it.   The initiative is to fulfill the Paris Agreement treaty on climate change.

Even though the federal government controls 30% of US lands already, they are looking to increase that percentage to 50%.  This will reduce states' and citizens' ability to produce food, provide energy, own property and prosper. 

Monday, February 19, 2024 10:23 AM

Why is the Presidential Preference Primary important?

                                                      You MUST vote on March 19,2024

                         Have you heard about the Presidential Preference Primary in March?  

I didn’t know how important it was until I did a bit of research. This is an excerpt from the Kansas Secretary of State website. I’ll include the link, too.

                                                 What is a Presidential Preference Primary?

A presidential preference primary takes an act by the Kansas legislature to be conducted. The enactment takes the responsibility from the two state parties (Republican and Democrat) in Kansas from conducting a caucus, and instead, having the state of Kansas conduct a primary election. It is a “preference” primary because it is an election where the vote totals are given to a political party to allocate delegates to candidates at the national convention. This is not a primary where the voters selected the party candidate.

Kansas Secretary of State | Elections | Presidential Preference Primary (



Friday, February 9, 2024 12:58 PM

Media Release Announcing Candidacy

Media Alert

For Immediate Release                                    Media Contact

                                                                                         Rachel Newell                                                                                                 Communications                                                                                                 Cell:  316-727-6254                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Terry Scott Announces Candidacy for County Commissioner

Scott Seeking First Term for District 2 in Harvey County


Newton, KS  Feb 9, 2024 Terry Scott, long-time resident of Newton filed her candidacy for Harvey County Commissioner for District 2 on Wednesday, January 24, 2024.   This is Scott’s first bid for a commission seat and her campaign will focus on data-driven decisions and community feedback.

“Leadership must evolve with new voices and new faces, and for the County Commission, it's no different”, said Scott.   “Our citizens deserve a fresh approach to circumstances that have been worsening in our county.  They deserve data-driven decision-making, and they deserve to have a voice in the process.  With a heavy tax burden for residents, and the amount of non-taxable property across the county, the county finds itself limited in its ability to spur growth, or offer residents more value for their tax dollars.”

As an R.N., Scott served the last thirty years in front-line management as well as senior leadership where she excelled in identifying areas for improved efficiency and teamwork. The last twenty years were at the VA, where she successfully improved departments, despite the federal bureaucracy.  Scott has an eye for innovation and team building.

As a long-time resident, Scott said, “I married Brian almost fifty years ago and have been proud to call Newton our home. We raised our two children here and have deep connections to this community.  Serving the citizens in this role is exactly how I want to be spending my time now that I’m retired.”


Brian Scott, Treasurer.  Campaign website is


Wednesday, February 7, 2024 4:08 PM

Filing candidacy for office

Terry filed her candidacy for the District 2 seat on the Harey County Commission on Wednesday, January 24, 2024.  

Committee to Elect Terry Scott
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