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Media Candidate Profile

1.       What motivated you to run for the position of county commissioner? 

In the years prior to my retirement, I became increasingly concerned with the direction
our government was headed – nationally and locally.  Decisions made at the county
level need to act as a buffer from the impact of state and federal policies that might
negatively affect our citizens. I wanted to become more involved and my extensive
experience with writing policy at the VA and making data-driven decisions with large
budgets is a plus in the county commission role.  Having regularly attended
commission meetings for well over a year and a half, I have observed how the various
departments interact with the Commission and have noted that we have some tough
decisions ahead of us in order to support our citizens to the best of our ability.   I’d like
to be a part of establishing a brighter future for Harvey County by working with the
knowledgeable and skilled employees we currently employ. 

2.       In your eyes, what is the single biggest issue facing Harvey County in the next
few years?

   We have to do a better job of marketing our county. In order to make that case, there
are existing conditions that work against us. Talented people and long-time residents
who are productive citizens are being taxed out of their homes and businesses and
exiting the area.  There’s quite a bit of frustration from the public that the County is deaf
to their concerns and not taking action to mitigate their economic pain. We have a heavy
tax burden compared to neighboring counties, and at the same time we are not seeing
the quality of life here at that same level.  It’s difficult to make our case in that sense.
Without a plan for turning this around, we will continue to see a decline in the county. 
Fortunately, our state legislators recently passed a tax relief bill, that includes some
property tax relief, that should have an impact for all Kansans.  It’s something we can
work with at the county level so we can work toward a brighter future locally.  We have a
great location, not only in the center of the state but also nationally.

3.       What goals do you have for Harvey County?

- Analyzing our tax base and formulating a plan for increasing that base.  This would
involve an open and public discussion of where we stand and why. 
- Reducing the tax burden on single families and businesses in the county.
- Implementing tools for better data-driven decision making on county projects.
- Recognizing excellence in county employees’ performance.
- Improving communication and access for all towns and rural residents in the

4.        What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I have spent 30 years in nursing management, from front line manager to Nurse
Executive, the last 20 years at the VA.  I was a registered nurse for 46 years and
nursing remains top-ranked in trust.  I was promoted consistently due to my critical
thinking skills and ability to improve productivity while maintaining a satisfied work
force.  I have extensive experience in creating policies for a large entity like the VA,
diving into budget issues, working with government contracts, and supporting the
performance of my teams.  As a long-time resident of Newton, I raised my family here
and have chosen to stay.  My family is involved in the business community in Newton
and yet we have an interest in all the communities that make up our beautiful county.

Committee to Elect Terry Scott
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